Joining Greek Life is my favorite decision I’ve ever made! Throughout my time in Alpha Xi Delta I have learned how to become a better leader, role model, and overall a better woman. Being president is one the hardest but most rewarding jobs I have ever taken on. I have never felt so supported by a group of women. I truly believe I made the right decision on choosing Alpha Xi to be my sisterhood for the rest of my life and I love every second of leading this chapter to become the best organization. Never once in my life did I think I would be sorority president but here I am and I would never change it! I am so glad to be an Alpha Xi woman! XLAM and TFJ always!
Epsilon Pi has been inspring women to realize their potential since 1968 and are so excited to continue to grow our sisterhood. We hope you take a few minutes to look into your sisterhood and get to know Epsilon Pi better. These pictures are just the surface of the best 4 years of my life. If you have any questions please let me know!
Xi Love and Mine,
Shelby Horton