Letter From Membership Vice President
Dear potential new member,
Recruitment for me was a crazy, stressed-filled week full of laughter, tears, and everything else in between. I fell in love with Alpha Xi Delta from the start but second-guessed myself every day, but when I ran home on bid day, I knew everything had fallen into place. Since joining, I’ve found my best friends, my support system, my shoulders to cry on, and my true sisters. For the past three years in Alpha Xi, I’ve grown so much as a person and had the opportunities to knock tons of things off my bucket list with my sisters by my side at every step. Now, as Membership Vice President, I’ve gotten the opportunity to be a leader for this chapter and help girls coming to JSU find their true sisterhood and their home! We would absolutely love to get to know you and show you what Alpha Xi Delta is all about. If you have any questions on how you can become a part of Alpha Xi Delta’s incredible sisterhood, please feel free to contact me!
TFJ always!
Chloe Britt